Roses are red, Boston Harbor is blue.
I'm splashing in Boston Harbor on March 6,
and need two quick favors from you.
Happy Valentines Day!
In just over two weeks I'll be leaping into the clear, cold (35 degree!) water of Boston Harbor at the Shamrock Splash to raise money for Save the Harbor's free youth and beach programs.
Over the past 10 years I have personally raised more than $25,000 for free beach events and kids programs on the region's public beaches from Nahant to Nantasket.
Though I hope that you will join our bostonharbor team and splash with us on the beach in East Boston on March 6th, I know that you may be unable - or unwilling - to take the plunge with us this year.
There are two other ways that you can help.
First, it would be terrific if you could make a contribution today to support my
Splash to support Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's free
Youth & Beach programs in 2022.
And second, I'd also appreciate it if you would take just a
moment to subscribe to our new Boston
Harbor YouTube Channel, for great videos from previous splashes and
regular updates of this year's Splash.
(Yes, you can also watch the video of me wrestling a 12 foot
long Burmese python in the Everglades on the channel, as
well as some great live feeds of Boston's
spectacular harbor.)
Thanks for your friendship, and your support.
I hope to see you on Constitution Beach in East Boston on Sunday March 6th!
All the best,